The Dwarfs' Mine Cart Cakes

The Dwarfs’ Mine Cart Cakes

Happy Friday! The new live action Snow White movie releases today and I’m celebrating with these cakes inspired by the Seven Dwarfs! The Dwarfs’ Mine Cart Cakes are chocolate cakes with chocolate buttercream frosting. Baked in a metal cart pan, they’re topped with colorful fondant jewels!

Snow White was my first favorite princess and so I was excited to attend an advance screening earlier this week.…

Seven Dwarfs Gem Cookies

Snow White was my first favorite princess. As soon as I saw the movie, I I loved it and would spend hours playing with my figures of Snow White and the dwarfs and wearing the Snow White dress my mom gave me. Not only was Snow White a favorite of mine, but the characters and songs from the movie made their way into my family’s everyday life.…